new product design & scalability

Project New Product Design & Scalability
Design a new product for a user that manages more than 100 times the number of accounts than the typical user. The new product will be a module that is added to the legacy application.
New Product
The user needs the ability to manage hundreds of thousands of accounts with multiple sub-accounts that contain hundreds of positions. Like managing other financial accounts, the manager wants to know how these accounts are faring and whether he needs to take action. Looking at tens of millions of positions each day could require an enormous staff, we have one or two managers.
Analysis Understanding the workflows of the managers, and whether they were at an automated or manual processing shop, gave us a clear understanding of how the overall navigation and layout of the application should work. Key to the user’s work was noting when exceptions had occurred across the accounts and the positions held. Exceptions included compliance issues, drift from the models, cash issues, requests from the field, automated processing results, and model changes.
Solution The solution incorporated the key workflows directly in the layout of the workspaces. The exceptions were handled in a navigational dashboard that jumped the user to the appropriate workspace carrying the context needed to fix the exception. Providing views into the exceptions allowed the manager to efficiently move through and keep track of the work that needed to be done.
Deliverable The project was delivered as a storyboard that covered 14 workflows. Each workflow was created with screenshots to represent each step. Each step had the story written on the top of the page with the screenshot and call outs within the page to explain what was happening. The project helped set the vision for the team and the clients.

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