Design Research by Dan Saffer

Dan Saffer’s article on design research is a great overview for someone trying to understand what design research is all about. He does an excellent job setting the stage of what design research is and why it is important. Hopefully it will excite more people to do design research on a regular basis.

Visual Search

Have you ever heard of Spezify? It is a search engine that brings all the results back on an infinite plane. All the images of videos, pictures, text and tweets are spread across your desk top and you pan around looking for what you want. Either you have many monitors that you are spread across… Continue reading Visual Search

Inattention Blindness

On the HFI site Susan Weinschenk is doing a top 100 things you should know about humans. Her first item is Inattention Blindness. This stuff is so cool. I love the human brain. You can be asked to focus on one thing and in the process you ignore what seems to be the irrelvant items.… Continue reading Inattention Blindness

Is UX becoming a commodity?

Is UX becoming a commodity? With an emphatic NO!! I soooo disagree with Kem’s assertion, I even left a nice comment. Kem Kramer on Johnny Holland declared: “After 10 years in the field, I woke up one day to realise that my service as a UX practitioner had become a commodity. Usability had become the… Continue reading Is UX becoming a commodity?

Case Made for Compelling Visual Design

As a person who approaches design from the cognitive science and human factors angle, I think I resemble this quote. “User interface experts are often suspicious of the role of visual aesthetics in user interfaces—and of designers who insist that graphic emotive impact and careful attention to a site’s visual framework really contribute to measurable… Continue reading Case Made for Compelling Visual Design